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Top 10 Mobile App Testing Tools

Lavesh Katariya
Lavesh Katariya
November 28, 2023
Clock icon9 mins read
Calendar iconLast updated May 2, 2024
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Today, there are limitless applications for almost every activity we can think of. Users have endless options, so your app must function flawlessly. Otherwise, users are more likely to switch to other apps.

Proper testing is crucial to ensuring your app works as intended. This crucial step helps you identify issues, flaws, and potential errors before you release it to the public.

How complex is mobile app testing?

The complexity of mobile app testing depends on your specific goals. For example, the testing process may be relatively straightforward if you are testing a particular feature or releasing an update. 

The testing process can become more complex if you conduct comprehensive testing covering aspects such as gestures, permissions, log files, storage, performance, security, functionality, and more. However, testing tools for mobile apps can significantly reduce this complexity.

This article will explore well-known testing tools to enhance and streamline your testing.

What is Mobile Testing?

Mobile testing involves rigorous testing of an application on various mobile devices, networks, and operating systems to ensure the application works as intended and is appropriately optimized. 

The application's testing process typically involves various tests, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the application. These aspects may include the UI, functionality, gestures, security, and network.


This testing involves assessing gestures to make sure the app responds as intended to various touch and swipe actions.


This test is to check that the app correctly handles and requests user permissions.

Log Files

Log file checking refers to analyzing app logs that help identify errors, glitches, or issues for troubleshooting and improvement.


This testing assesses the app's storage-related functionalities, such as storing in the appropriate directory and retrieving and deleting data.

Performance Testing

This test evaluates the app's speed, responsiveness, and resource usage under different conditions for optimal performance.


It identifies vulnerabilities and implements measures to add a secure layer to the app to prevent user data from threats and breaches.


This is a process of checking that the app's features and functionalities work as intended.


Notification testing focuses on how the app handles notifications, ensuring they are timely and relevant to user interactions.


This testing involves analyzing the app's behavior under varying network conditions.

What are Mobile Testing Tools?

Testing tools for mobile apps can be categorized into various types based on their primary functions and purposes.

Here are some common categories of mobile app testing tools:

Functional Testing Tools

You can test the app's features and functionality with these tools to ensure they work as intended.

Performance Testing Tools

These tools can help you test the app's performance on different platforms and conditions, including load and stress testing.

Security Testing Tools

These tools help you identify vulnerabilities and security risks in the app.

Usability Testing Tools

These tools allow you to evaluate the app's user-friendliness and user experience.

Device and Platform Compatibility Testing Tools

These tools help test the app's compatibility with various devices, operating systems, and screen sizes.

Localization and Internationalization Testing Tools

These tools help ensure the app functions appropriately in different regions and languages.

Test Management and Reporting Tools

These tools are used to test case management, execution, and reporting.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) Tools

These tools help in the testing, deployment, and automation processes, ensuring that code changes are thoroughly tested before release.

Emulators and Simulators

These tools offer virtual environments for testing on various mobile devices and platforms without physical hardware.

Code Analysis and Code Review Tools

These tools help analyze code quality and identify issues during development.

User Interface (UI) Testing Tools

These tools are employed to test visual elements to ensure the user interface appears correct on various devices and screen sizes.

Beta Testing and User Feedback Tools

These tools are utilized to gather feedback from beta users and to identify issues and improvements.

Top Mobile App Testing Tools 2023


Kobiton is an all-in-one mobile app testing tool that offers a cloud-based lab of real mobile devices for manual and automated testing on iOS and Android devices. It is also a purpose-built application, meaning it can be used for specific testing needs.

Key Features:

  • Real device testing: It gives you access to real mobile devices, so you can test your apps on the same devices that your users will be using.
  • Automated testing: It supports automated testing, which enables developers to test apps without manual intervention, accelerating the testing process. 
  • Manual testing: You can also find manual testing support to test your apps in the way your users will use them.
  • Integration with CI/CD tools: Kobiton can be integrated with popular CI/CD tools.


Testrigor is a cloud-based, scriptless, and AI-powered platform that leverages generative AI's capabilities to accelerate the testing process. It facilitates mobile web, native, and hybrid app testing on real devices and allows you to use plain English to build test automation.

Key Features:

  • Scriptless automation: testRigor uses a generative AI engine to create and maintain automated tests in plain English, making it easy for anyone to get started with test automation. 
  • Record-test: It has an in-built feature that allows you to execute tests as videos. 
  • Integration with third-party tools: It can be integrated with TestRail, Zephyr, XRay, Jira, Pivotal Tracker, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, CircleCI, LambdaTest, BrowserStack, SauceLabs, etc.
  • Cross-browser testing: It facilitates cross-browser testing to test web applications across various browsers and devices, ensuring they are compatible with all major platforms.
  • Visual validation: It has visual testing capabilities.
  • Behavior-driven test generation: It allows you to generate tests based on how your potential users interact with your application.


ACCELQ is an AI-powered, cloud-based test automation tool that boasts itself as a no-code tool. It offers a comprehensive automation tool for APIs, microservices, SSH, BECKN, MB, ESB, and more.

Key Features:

  • No-code tool: It allows you to run automated tests without writing code, making it an excellent choice for teams with limited technical resources.
  • AI-powered automation: By employing AI, users can achieve testing results in significantly less time. 
  • Cloud-based: The cloud-based model allows you to access it from anywhere with an internet connection, which is a convenient option for teams to perform tests without being bound by location.
  • Test coverage: It incorporates various test automation technologies, including API testing, web testing, mobile testing, and desktop testing.
  • Version control: It allows you to keep track of changes made to the test scripts.
  • Test management: With ACCELQ, you can perform various types of testing in one place. 
  • Reporting and analytics: Similar to other tools, ACCELQ allows you to generate detailed reports to analyse and find errors.

Katalon Platform

Katalon is an AI-augmented software quality management platform that helps teams of any size deliver the highest quality digital experiences. It is a comprehensive test automation platform that supports web, API, mobile, and desktop applications. Katalon is built on top of the open-source automation frameworks Selenium and Appium, but it provides a specialized IDE interface that makes it easier to write and maintain test scripts.

Key Features:

  • Free and open-source: Katalon Studio is an open-source test automation platform that is freely accessible to everyone.
  • Cross-platform: You can test various web, mobile, and API applications.
  • Drag-and-drop interface: It includes a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create and maintain automated tests for non-technical users who want to get started with test automation.
  • Rich features: You can find automatic object identification, data-driven testing, parallel execution, and other features that aid in straightforward testing.
  • Community support: It has a large and active community of users who can help you with any problems.


Perfecto is a popular tool that allows performance, API, and user experience testing by providing a lab of virtual devices. It will enable you to access thousands of devices and browsers through Perfecto to make your testing cost-efficient. It also allows testing on real devices.

Key Features:

  • User interface (UI) testing: It is a well-suited testing tool for UI testing, allowing testers to interact with the app's user interface elements, such as buttons, text fields, and views, and verify their behavior.
  • Integration: Perfecto integrates with your entire DevOps toolchain. From IDEs -- Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ -- to continuous integration tools and test automation frameworks such as Appium, Espresso, and Quantum, it integrates with them all.
  • CI/CD Testing: Perfecto supports continuous testing by integrating with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and Bamboo.
  • Reports: It allows developers to generate detailed test analysis reports, test execution logs, and performance metrics to handle the issues better and resolve them quickly.


TestGrid is a testing framework developed by Google designed to help manage and visualize the results of end-to-end cloud and on-premise testing solutions. It uses AI to automate and streamline the testing process, reducing manual efforts significantly.

Key Features:

  • Dashboard: TestGrid typically offers a dashboard that visually represents test results. This dashboard can display information about test suites, test cases, and their pass or fail status.
  • Integration: It can be integrated with other testing and CI/CD tools, allowing it to pull test results data from various sources, such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or other testing frameworks, such as Selenium, Appium, Katalon, etc. 
  • Customization: Users can often customize the TestGrid dashboard to display the specific test results and metrics most relevant to their project.
  • Historical data: TestGrid typically maintains historical test result data, allowing teams to track trends and identify patterns in test performance over time.
  • Filtering and search: Users can often filter and search for specific test cases or suites to focus on areas of interest or concern.
  • Notifications: Some implementations of TestGrid may offer notification features to alert teams when test results change or when specific conditions are met.
  • Accessibility: Efforts are often made to ensure that TestGrid is accessible to all team members, including those with disabilities.


LambdaTest is an open-source cross-browser testing tool that provides a cloud-ready platform for testing on real devices. It caters to the varying needs of developers by providing a range of devices with different screen sizes to test apps thoroughly.

Key Features:

  • Cross-browser testing: LambdaTest allows users to test web apps on a wide range of browsers, including popular options like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer
  • Real environments: It provides access to real browsers running on real operating systems, providing a more accurate testing experience than emulators or simulators.
  • Parallel testing: It allows multiple tests to run, which is an excellent option for those looking to run multiple tests simultaneously.
  • Integration: LambdaTest integrates with various development and testing tools, including popular CI/CD systems like Jenkins and Travis CI, to facilitate automated testing workflows.
  • Selenium compatibility: It is compatible with Selenium, allowing users to write and run Selenium test scripts on LambdaTest's cloud infrastructure.
  • Screenshots and recordings: Users can capture screenshots and record video recordings of test sessions to document issues and share findings with team members.
  • Issue tracking: LambdaTest may offer features for tracking and managing issues discovered during testing, helping teams collaborate on bug fixes.
  • Test analytics: The platform typically provides detailed test analytics and reporting, allowing users to assess test results and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Geolocation testing: It helps test location-specific functionality.


Appium is an open-source software test automation tool that employs computers to simulate what a user does in an actual interface. It incorporates a wealth of tools to enhance the test experience and speed up the process further.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform: Appium can automate tests for mobile apps on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. This makes it a versatile choice for mobile app testing.
  • Native UI automation: It supports the automation of mobile apps' native user interfaces (UIs), enabling testers to interact with elements like buttons, text fields, and menus.
  • Web testing: It also supports mobile web app testing using standard web automation approaches.
  • Selenium compatibility: Appium is built on top of Selenium, allowing testers to use familiar Selenium WebDriver APIs for mobile app testing. This is particularly useful for teams already experienced with Selenium.
  • Real devices and emulators: Appium can automate tests on real physical devices and emulators and simulators, providing flexibility in testing environments.
  • Multi-platform testing: Test scripts written for one platform (e.g., Android) can often be easily adapted to work on other platforms (e.g., iOS) with minimal modifications.
  • Programming language agnostic: Test scripts can be written in multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and others, based on the testing team's preferences and skills.
  • Wide range of automation frameworks: It is compatible with various automation frameworks, including JUnit and TestNG, making it adaptable to different testing methodologies.
  • Integration: It can be integrated with continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins for automated test execution as part of the software development pipeline.
  • Active community and support: Appium benefits from an active open-source community with extensive documentation, forums, and support resources.
  • Extensions and plugins: Appium's extensible architecture allows custom extensions and plugins to be developed and integrated for specific testing needs.


Selendroid is an open-source test automation framework specifically designed to automate the testing of Android native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. It offers testing on both simulators and real devices.

Key Features:

  • Android automation: Selendroid focuses exclusively on Android app automation and provides tools and APIs to interact with Android UI elements and perform testing activities.
  • Support for native and hybrid apps: Selendroid supports the testing of both native Android apps (written in Java or Kotlin) and hybrid apps (web apps packaged within a native container).
  • Cross-platform: It can automate Android app testing on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Integration with Selenium: It is built on top of the Selenium WebDriver, which means it can leverage Selenium's APIs and concepts for Android testing.
  • Multi-language support: Depending on the preferences and skills of the testing team, test scripts can be written in various programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and others.
  • Compatibility with real devices and emulators: Selendroid allows test automation on real Android devices, emulators, and simulators.
  • Gesture support: It supports simulating various gestures, such as tapping, swiping, and pinching, to interact with the app's UI elements.
  • Parallel testing: Selendroid supports parallel test execution, enabling faster test execution by running multiple tests simultaneously.
  • Webview testing: It allows the testing of webviews within hybrid applications, making it suitable for testing applications with native and web-based components.
  • Accessibility checks: Selendroid provides accessibility checks and testing capabilities to ensure that the app is usable by people with disabilities.
  • Device management: Users can interact with connected devices and emulators through the Selendroid server.
  • Customization: Selendroid's architecture allows custom extensions and plugins to meet specific testing requirements.

Xamarin.UI Test

Xamarin.UITest is a mobile app testing framework developed by Microsoft to automate the testing of mobile applications created using the Xamarin platform. Xamarin.UITest is primarily used to test the user interface (UI) and interactions of mobile apps on Android and iOS devices.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform testing: Xamarin.UITest is designed to test cross-platform mobile apps developed with Xamarin.Forms or Xamarin.Native. It supports both Android and iOS platforms.
  • C# programming language: Xamarin.UITest is written in C#, making it well-suited for developers familiar with the C# programming language and the Xamarin ecosystem.
  • Integration with Visual Studio: It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft's Visual Studio development environment, providing a familiar testing environment for Xamarin app developers.
  • Native app testing: Xamarin.UITest enables testing of native UI elements and interactions in Android and iOS apps, ensuring that the app behaves correctly on both platforms.
  • Synchronization and waits: The framework provides synchronization mechanisms and waiting strategies to handle the asynchronous nature of mobile apps, improving test reliability.
  • Support for gestures: Xamarin.UITest allows testers to simulate gestures such as tapping, swiping, pinching, and scrolling to interact with the app's UI elements.
  • Integration with Test Cloud: Xamarin.UITest can be integrated with Xamarin Test Cloud (now part of Visual Studio App Center) for cloud-based testing on a wide range of real devices, providing extensive test coverage.
  • Local device testing: During development and debugging, users can also run tests on local Android and iOS devices or emulators/simulators.
  • Parallel testing: Xamarin.UITest supports parallel test execution, which can significantly reduce test execution time by running multiple tests simultaneously.
  • Custom controls: The framework can be extended to support custom controls and elements in the app's UI.
  • Detailed test reporting: Xamarin.UITest provides detailed test reports and logs, helping testers and developers identify and diagnose issues.
  • CI/CD integration: It integrates well with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing for automated testing as part of the development workflow.


The right mobile testing tool depends on your needs and requirements. If you are new to mobile testing, choose an easy-to-use tool. If you have a limited budget, choose a free or open-source tool. If you need to test on various devices and operating systems, choose a tool that supports these platforms.


1. What is mobile app testing?

Mobile app testing is a process that involves analyzing a mobile app's functionality, usability, security, and consistency across several devices using different methods and tools to ensure that the application works as intended. 

2. What are the top mobile app testing tools? 

Some of the top mobile app testing tools are:

  • Kobiton 

  • testRigor


  • Katalon Platform 

  • Perfecto 

  • TestGrid

  • LamdaTest

  • Appium 

  • Selendroid 

  • Xamarin.UI Test

3. How do I choose the right testing tool? 

The selection of the right tools depends on your specific needs. There are several tools for different kinds of testing. Some of the factors include: 

  • Cost: Some testing apps are free with limited features, while others are paid. 

  • Experience: If you are new to mobile testing, you may choose an easy-to-use tool or outsource testing to an experienced software testing company. 

Lavesh Katariya

Lavesh Katariya

With over 8 years of experience in the MERN stack, I specialize in building robust and scalable web applications. Proficient in MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, my passion for clean code and innovative problem-solving ensures high-quality solutions.

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